Author: Vinod Surendiram
•10:00 AM

I am searching and searching and searching but I can’t find it... What am I searching for??? The old Vinod I use to know... Yes, I feel like I am lost in a dense forest... I am not the same person I used to know... I hate it at times... When can I regain my old form???... I’ve changed a lot... And it seems to be very difficult to change back to the person I was once... My current form is causing me a lot of troubles mentally... What has happened to me?? I wonder and wonder and wonder... Now, I know why my URL is set as How long do I have to be like this?? All I can do now is hope for a better tomorrow...

Peace out ;-)
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On June 26, 2010 at 1:19 AM , Kamil said...

yeah. u don't have to search for the old you. people changes, that's life..
just be yourself and you should be just fine..

On August 1, 2010 at 3:21 AM , Sylvia said...

OMG!!! Vinod?! R u kiddin me? lol. I don't think you'll remember me but i'm tanes' friend Sylvia . lol

On December 27, 2010 at 5:02 AM , Vinod Surendiram said...

Kamil- yes Kamil... I agree... changes are part and parcels of life...

Sylvia- Kidding u?? Don't get what u mean...